My name is Aga, I am from a small town, Ranya, in Kurdistan! Currently, I live in Warsaw and have made myself busy studying Master of Arts in Teaching English at the University of Warsaw.
I am a teacher, translator, a big fan of Linux and open-source projects, and co-founder and CEO of Bircode for Software Solutions.
I graduated from the College of Education, Department of English, at Koya University. So far, I have had many students at different stages and ages. The first time that I taught a class was in 2017. I went to the Cultural Center of my town and informed them I want to teach the English Language here voluntarily. They were surprised! Besides teaching, I am a good translator too, I have translated and reviewed +250 talks on TED. Here and here are my profiles!
Since I am really interested in volunteering, when I was studying for my BA, I founded a non-profit organization, Ayan Organization for Rehabilitation. Lucky me, my friends welcomed the idea and most of them joined as volunteers. We operated in 5 different towns in Kurdistan. Here is our Facebook page, if wish to glance.